Monday, May 26, 2008

Iron Dog

This is a couple weeks overdue, but better late than never.
We saw Iron Man on opening weekend and loved it. Jonathan was inspired to give one of his stuffed animals a new super-hero identity. And while he got the idea of armor from Tony Stark, the theme song is pure Peter Parker:

Memorial Day Weekend 2008


Went to the Whitney during the wonderful Friday evening "Pay What You Like" deal. Was transported to various places -- bamboo forests, passing spaceships, other dimensions -- by the music of Lucky Dragons. I liked it; Isabella loved it; Jonathan said he hated it but managed to create this piece of contemporary art while listening to it.


Turns out even non-drivers like us can consume to our heart's content at what is billed as the largest mall in New Jersey, thanks to a cheap and easy 30-minute bus ride from Port Authority.


Best trip to the Bronx Zoo ever. I've been to the Bronx Zoo innumerable times, and while I always love it, almost every time something goes wrong. Sometimes it's way too hot. One time the weather seemed perfect, then suddenly it got cold and we hadn't brought jackets. A few years ago we went while Jonathan was still in a stroller. He fell asleep in the stroller and I discovered that almost every exhibit worth seeing didn't allow strollers. One time the whole trip was cancelled because I had planned to take the 2 train, but it was running local that day and would have taken too long to get there. And so on.

This time everything was perfect. The weather was lovely and remained so all day. We took the subway there and back and it was easy. Despite the crowds, we were able to enjoy a ton of great stuff, especially in the Asia and Jungle World sections. The Bug Carousel was delightful. And they were celebrating the Year of the Frog! What could be better?

30 Rock

It was almost two months ago. It was the weekend, but I had to spend a large chunk of the day working. I wanted us to do something special with the little time we had once the work was done. So, in the late afternoon, we headed off to Rockefeller Center, soaked up lots of Art Deco goodness, then went up to the Top of the Rock to watch the sunset.

Not bad for a last-minute weekend activity.