Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Smile for the Smileys!!!

Here are some animated smileys that I found. aren't they awesome!? They're from a website called I found it when I was surfing the web when I had nothing to do. I tried to pick the most guinea pig-like animals for the little animals at the bottom of the page.
SmileySmileySmileySmileyEmoticonEmoticon Emoticon Free <span class= Smiley EmoticonEmoticonEmoticonEmoticon

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Awesome pictures

Here are some awesome and cool pictures that I, Isabella, painted on the computer:

I made these pictures in the art studio software that my grandma gave me on my birthday. The effect I used to make little bursts in my artwork is the rays setting. I also used the symetrical setting in the first panting. In the second painting, the little figures are stamps.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Piggly News

You saw our last post, right? now our pigs have their own paper!

The First Edition
This edition, this edition you are reading right now, is the single most important edition in the history of The Piggly News. Why? Because it is the very first edition of The Pigly News.

This paper is about two normal Joe guinea pigs, Archie and Frankie. But they can make quite some headlines! They can also teach you, make you laugh, and keep you on your toes, squealing for more!

Know your pigs

Archie and Frankie: Two guinea pigs with unique personalities . Here are their top 5 faves in food:

  1. lettuce

  2. blueberries

  3. beans
  4. sweet pepper
  5. parsley

Archie: The gentleman

Archibald is a respectful young pig. He sits on your chest quietly and peacefully. He will not eat while sitting on you.

Frankie: The adventurer

Frankie won't sit stilllllll... ah! got him! He'll- hey! try... to... yes! Run away and- hey! hmmmm...gotcha!! hide. He goes- hey! stop it! chirp week chirp chirp! gotha! Well, long story short, he's an adventurer. Hey!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I know, we're way overdue. BUT we've got the news of the century!!! That's right, we've got

This is Archie.

And this is Frankie.

The're soooooo cute!!!!! I, Isabella, did almost everything for them, including take these pictures!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Economy Candy!

Yesterday,we went to a candy store with sooo much candy, it's tempting to go there every weekend! Economy Candy has pretty much any candy you want.

Lollipops, Pez, Tootsie rolls, Smarties, bubble and chewing gum, gummies [too many types to name], and, my personal favorite, JELLY BEANS! Imagine a sweet or fruity taste. Soda? Have it. Mango? Yes. Cinnamon?! Surprisingly, yes.
Not all of it was officially candy. Wasabi peas, wasabi peanuts, rice crackers, roasted peas, and fruit and nut mixes.
Economy Candy, I have to say, is the best candy store I know!