Monday, July 16, 2007

The most unnecessary thing that will ever appear on this blog (I hope): Harry Potter Predictions

With only a few days to go, I hereby break down and add to the innumerable Harry Potter predictions on the Web. Yes, of course, you don't need another source of HP predictions, if you care to look at any at all. But I need to put them on record with the (blissfully-ignorant-of- their-existence) world, before the last book comes out.

The following are a couple paragraphs from a page I typed up on November 28th, 2005, after a brief but intense (and, of course, embarrassing) spate of Harry Potter obsession. Since then, the contents of the rest of the page have either been confirmed false, been confirmed true, or are just no longer interesting to me. (If you don't know what the abbreviations and references are all about, then you are immune to Pottermania and should ignore this post.)

Here goes:

Snape loved Lily and is devoted to defeating V. and protecting Harry. They were both great at potions. (It is very unlikely, but perhaps not impossible, that they worked together so closely that the handwriting in the potions book was Lily’s – she may have written stuff in his book as he worked it out. HG says the handwriting looks like a woman’s.) Lily saw the good in people even when they didn’t see it in themselves. SS’s worst memory is calling Lily a mudblood. Snape hates James for “stealing” Lily from him, although she probably cared for SS only in a sisterly way. James got SS’s levitation spell from Lily. Snape was there when Lily and James were killed. SS may be devoted to giving his life to save Harry just as Lily did. His boggart and/or patronus would have something to do with this. This is why DD trusts him completely.

Harry is a Horcrux of Voldemort. The prophecy “neither shall live while the other survives” may be interpreted this way: V is not really alive now, because you have to be mortal to be alive. (See Fudge talking to Prime Minister.) V must be “alive” before he can be killed. He cannot be made alive – mortal – while Harry survives. Harry may have to sacrifice himself to defeat V. I think he will, somehow, survive the sacrifice. Perhaps all that matters is that Harry not care about his own survival. V is different in that all he cares about is survival.

[Wild speculation: If you put together all of the above pieces, you might wind up with a scenario where Harry is trying to kill himself to defeat V., and Snape is trying to save Harry’s life because he has sworn to do so ever since Lily’s death. V. is more afraid of death than of anything else, while our two good guys may be battling over who gets to sacrifice himself.]

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